Got to sail the last 2 days in the most breeze I've sailed yet, at times over 20kts. Probably learned more this week than the whole rest of the year, just awesome time. Feeling really comfortable and confident in the little chop that buils up at Silver and can't wait to get back out in bigger air again. Hoping for a little advice on a couple things:
-Waterstarts. Couldn't get a single one Tuesday so spent a lot of Wednesday practicing. Had two questions: Sometimes the board just shoots right up wind when I go to put my back foot onboard, should I be trying to get further forward? Also, even in big breeze, sometimes it was hard to get flying, just didn't seem like enough power to lift my fat ass out of the water. Besides waiting for a gust, anything to do? I tried pumping a bit but it didn't seem to work.
-Jumping.Had what I thought was a huge jump, but looking at footage later the fin didn't even clear the water.

I wasn't really planning to jump but someone just ahead of me did so I gave it a try a coupel times. Every time, the board would just send itself downwind and I'd barely pop the board out of the water. Any tips?
Really great week, honestly feeling as good as I ever have windsurfing.