Sailed Carlyle Lake Saturday and Sunday this past weekend. Wind was very light but consistent.
Saturday -- sailed from Harbor LIghts up to Coles Creek and back. Good wind for the first two-hours to make it upwind. Wind was light so good upwind angles weren't available. Got up to Coles Creek and the weekend boaters were out in force by about noon. Center of Carlyle turns into a lake with waves coming at you from every direction. At that point I was in the mid-lake lull zone and wind was shutting down. Took a five minute break and then did the no wind downwind run back to Harbor Lights. Taking an 11.8 down wind in sub-5 mph is just a little uncomfortable. Made it back down and then the wind turned back on and I was too cooked to sail anymore. Time on water 2-hours 45-minutes. 166 liter Patrick formula, 74 cm fin & 11.8 north sail.
Sunday - sailed out of CSA. Wind was blowing 10 to 25. Rigged the 11.8, 70 cm & 166 liter patrik as forecast showed wind was at maximum and set to tail off. Did an upwind run from CSA to West Marine/Beach. Completed the upwind run in 30-minutes (fastest time yet for me) . Sail was well balanced and have it tuned to sail the 11.8 in 25-mph winds. Key to my balance point is getting the harness lines well to the rear end of the balance point. What I learned was find balance point on the beach and then set the harness lines 1 to 2-inches beyond that point. This and getting out a seat harness has been key to me getting over the hump on learning formula technique. Also, shoving the 11.8 almost to the very front of the mast track helps control a lot. Keeps nose of board down in the Carlyle wave/wind chop. Did the down wind run in about 15-minutes. Landed inside the harbor at CSA for the first time. Wind is extremely shifty and light in the harbor if someone wants to use it. Great sand beach in the harbor.
Grabbed the race watch and then headed over to the race officials. Requested an opportunity to run at the back of the fleet for the buoy races. Officials granted me entry to the race as a participant. The buoy races take off in 3-waves separated by 5-minutes. I made it to the start line about 20-minutes prior to the start. Wind was tailing off at this time but plenty to get planing and do decent upwind angles. Played hang out at the start line w/ light wind tacks/jibes. Was leaving in the 3rd wave w/ the catamaran's. Once cat sailor was confused w/ me there as I don't think a windsurfer has participated in buoy races since mid-90's. Anyways I let him know that I was running the race with them. It was a good workout at the start line. 20+ minutes of stalling hanging was interesting. Got myself worn out from the stalling prior to the race. Lesson learned --- hand out in the shallows resting waiting for the race time to get closer. At the start I went about 25-meters downwind of the cat fleet. By the time the horn went off a nice lull came through and I just floated and bobbed while they made their upwind reach. I floated/bobbed w/o able to reach thru the start so had to make a tack just to cross start line. Then the wind came up for borderline planing. So the fleet was gone and gave them about a 3-minute head start w/ my start line snafu. At that point, my goal was to complete the course in sub-par winds (estimated 5 to 15 winds). Made a few long upwind tacks. It took about 4 tacks to get to the upwind buoy (about 1-mile upwind). Then came the down wind portion--luckily winds were consistent enough so I could plane out downwind for this reach. Made it to the bottom buoy and turned back around for the red buoy(about 1/2-mile upwind). Made this run in about 3-tacks and then headed back to the start. On the downwind run the wind turned back more to a consistent 15 so I could finish the event. Ended up DFL but that is just fine - goal was to complete the course.
This completed a seasons goal to begin my windsurf racing career.
Anyways, had a good time and joined the CSA so I can do more events.
7/18/2020 & 7/19/2020 Report
4 years 7 months ago #2
Watch your toes, i'm gonna drop a flashback on ya.
Whale of a Sail, Lake Carlyle 2006 & 07
I was one of the ones that helped bring back windsurfing to the Whale of a Sail. We rallied the troops from Clinton Lake and St Louis. I helped coordinate with CSA to make it happen. We had enough folks that CSA gave us our own windsurf fleet start(around 10 of us). And they made 1st, 2nd, 3rd place trophies. A weekend of camping, partying and racing.
Whale of a Sail, Lake Carlyle 2006. Every kind of sailing craft is there. So many boats on the water they create a wind shadow during racing.
Whale of a Sail, Lake Carlyle 2006. It was open class for windsurfing (triangle course). The old school race boards did the best.
Whale of a Sail, Lake Carlyle 2006. Camping with lake views and your own beach cove launch.
Whale of a Sail, Lake Carlyle 2006. The late great Lou Pignotti going back to his camping spot in style.
Whale of a Sail, Lake Carlyle 2006. I still drink coffee from my Whale of a Sail 2006 ceramic mug(part of the goody bag that year) every morning.
Whale of a Sail, Lake Carlyle 2006. The long distance yacht race to the railroad causeway and back.
Whale of a Sail, Lake Carlyle 2006. Chris
Whale of a Sail, Lake Carlyle 2006. Folks trickling back to the harbor.
Whale of a Sail, Lake Carlyle 2006. Beer on tap.
Whale of a Sail, Lake Carlyle 2007. Handing out trophies
7/18/2020 & 7/19/2020 Report
4 years 7 months ago #3
Here was Saturday's tracks (see attached jpg). Garmin didn't record Sunday the better day. Probably user error on my part.
Defi Wind type event would be cool. I'll be out at Hatteras in October for Nationals and will be doing the long distance race.
Two weekends ago, we had that NW wind on Friday. I sailed from the dam at Carlyle and back up to Boulder. Forgot the Garmin that day but that was a good reach (8-miles give or take). On the way back the mid-lack lull zone was filled in and was able to make it in no time at all. NW wind would be ideal for Carlyle and a defi-wind type event.
have a great weekend, looks flat unless we head up to Wisconsin or out to Kansas.