Praying the wind gods to bring 13kn in the middle of August, is like asking my son to shower everyday before going to bed - it just doesn't happen! So while I'm waiting for the impossible, I decided to fix the occasional dings that I inflicted on my 3-month old board. ...Electrical tape over the cracks is just no long term fix.
I bought a tub of Solarez epoxy, sanded and cleaned the affected areas, masked and poured some, then a little time under the sun to cure. Sanded dry with 120, then wet with 400, 800 and some polishing compound and off it goes. 2 beers and a couple of hours of work later, the foam block is waterproof again!
...hope the gods will appreciate!
Above: EU mast base making its mark on the pristine deck. Bummer
Above: crack? Looks pretty bad but it is superficial. Tried a little acrylic paint but a darker shade and it looks deeper than it actually is...