For the year round surfer I'm sure you have a plethora of gloves pending weather and water temps. Any recommendations for a good overall early season glove, say May & June before things start to warm up and cool off after summer? What type of gloves are you using in your last pixs Reid? I know you mentioned once you always wear them for the sun but I'm thinking those are different than the ones you're wearing now. There's one Pergatory Cove shot from 4/20/15 that shows someone seemingly checking his finger count, or wondering why he isn't wearing gloves. LOL! The usual, cost, comfort, warmth, etc....
For cold conditions it's a contest between dexterity/grip fatigue to warmth. I have used the DaKine mitten when I used to jump in the lake when it was still half covered with ice. I had to sail round big ice slabs that were breaking off and drifting down wind. I would see these moving spots on the lake that didn't have white caps.
Dakine neoprene mitten - The palm is thin and rough for gripping the boom.
I have used 3mm neoprene gloves in the past. A lot of folks use these. There are lots of brands and features. I have not kept up with the latest tech and would like recommendations too.
3mm neoprene gloves
Then there are the "sailing gloves" for windsurfing. Full finger and half finger. For not getting blisters and sun protection. For 55+ F water temps. I have used many of these but never been happy because they don't grip well.
"sailing gloves" for windsurfing
What I'm using now and testing are football receiver gloves. They have a tacky palm material and grip like crazy and even better when wet. I'll give a better write-up in their own topic as I get to use them more and see if they hold up. So far so good.
Cutters C-tack football receiver gloves.
Others will have to weigh in on what they're using for gloves in cold conditions.
As I mentioned previously my brother dives and gave me a wet suit to try. It has bibs (?m) and a jacket (6.5m, yah real thick!). You put one foot/leg through a hole in the bottom portion of the jacket then zip it up. The arms are pretty restrictive. The bib comes up near my neck and the arm holes are also cut pretty high. I'll give it a go and if it's to tight I'll remove the jacket (as I expect I'll have to do) and try to just go with the bibs for now. He also gave me some boots and gloves to try but the gloves are like a vice on my hands They're very stiff & straight, I can barely bend my fingers. They're a large size but cut my circulation off so they're not going to work. I'm not sure how he ever wore them since his hands are fatter than mine. Yep, there are tons of brands out there. I noticed there are some gloves that are made bent to better fit the curve of your fingers. They also have water skiing gloves out there that might be a good option for warmer weather. My guess is they should have a pretty good gripping surface to hang onto the tow rope so I'd like to check them out. I'd like to hear the outcome on the receiver gloves and it sounds like a trip to Dicks Sporting Goods is in order. I found out that there's a dive shop near me so I'm going to stop in just to see what they have for gloves to get a feel for size, thickness and flexibility. The boots should be okay for now but I see a new wet suit in the future. I already have a short wet suit so I'll be ready for warmer weather and water if it ever gets here. It's just getting from here to there that's the problem.