I sheared off another foot strap screw, I had sheared one off before and just moved my foot strap back one notch to keep sailing. Now that I sheared off another I have to remove the screw remaining in the board. I am looking for an easy out that is for the correct size, I am thinking the screws are an 1/8 inch, any one know for sure what size most foot strap screws typically are? I have a Mistral board.
I used a drop or two of oil with sharp, new, drill bits starting with 1/16" to dimple the screw then, carefully stepping up to, 5/64" and 3/32" with a variable speed drill and a supported hand to drill a carefully centered hole. Then, I gently tapped a very small T8 TORX bit into the small hole to act as an EZ Out. Finally, a small socket to fit the TORX bit and carefully back it out. Voila.
- Stainless steel screws are somewhat softer than high speed steel (HSS) used by drill bits. But, drill bits are somewhat brittle and can snap if over torqued.
- Torx bits have a slight taper so as you tap it in, it starts to bite into the screw.