In my book 80+ liters boards correspond to 3-4 m sails for my ever slowly increasing weight /at 180lbs now/ in 40+ mph winds. This kind of wind strength is extremely rare around here especially in sailable temperatures and also I’m too old and unconditioned for that much brutality anyway. That’s why my smallest sail is 4.2 and so rarely used that I don’t remember when was the last time anymore . You may be asking yourself why then did I buy and 86L Kode Freewave several years ago? Well, the short answer is -naivety. The long story is that I have sold an older model 93L JP FSW whose shape I didn’t like for being longer then my freeride board with most of the volume forward and thinned out tail that made it always seem like it was going nose up .

It was between the seasons 2014-15 I believe and there was nothing else decent used for sale besides a few 2012 86l Starboard Kode by a store in Hood River, OR. They claimed that those are boards from their rental fleet in Brazil and that’s why they had numbers painted on them and nose protectors. I had far less experience back then but plenty of confidence coupled with an overdose of wishful thinking so I bought one. While I’m typing this I can’t stop wondering how was I able to sail an 86L board as much as I did?! Sure I was 165 lbs back then and the season might have been windier , I don’t know, but I did sail it somehow. It wasn’t easy as you may have guessed. I got a cracked rib or two and a broken boom that year.
Fast forward to this day and the diabolical Kode 86 is still well and has a new owner of very recently-Chris

I have 4 boards in total and I was in a process of moving to a new home and I just had to get rid of useless staff , so I took it to Clinton and literally forced it on Chris because he’s the only one of my windsurfing friends that has any prospect of ever using it /not that he has as far as I know, but it’s not my problem anymore/.
So this is my story of the love affair that I had with an undersized board-one of the equipment buying mistakes that I made. The other bigger and much costlier mistakes were the oversized gear that I bought for light wind-long gone for good also. Now I have 4 boards all from Starboard /WindSUP including/ perfectly paired with couple of sails each with my most used this last couple of years being the Kode 103/ Revo 5.7 combo-a combination that I should have acquired very early on but I did last. So my quiver looks like that now:
*5-10mph Windsup Starboard Converse 9’ +Revo 5.7
*10-20mph Starboard AtomIQ 110 /75cm wide/ + Retro 7.5 and 6.5
*20-30mph Starboard Kode 103+Revo 5.7 and 5.2
*30-40mph Starboard Kode 94+Revo 4.7 and 4.2
Of course the wind numbers are relative and there is overlapping all the time, but overall I’m finally very happy with my equipment after years of experimenting and some really bad choices like the 86.