Nice pic, Andrew. Looks different on a SW. Matt, did you set a speed record in that? That thing looks like a freestyle / speed ditch hot spot. Anybody make it out at Oval or Tisc? South Haven meter was rockin' Henry, Wendell?
31.9 kts was the top speed for the day. No my personal best but a good perf (for me) since I was on 100l slalom board with 36cm fin.
After 10ish sesh at Montrose, it works quite nicely by S, SW and a little bit less by W (more patch of wind on the water). Gusty but not more than anywhere else around Chitown. Flatter than 12th st so it makes a difference when wind is in the lower end of your gear.
I visited Tiscornia on the above recommendation. It delivered for about 3-4 hours. My top speed didn't break 27kts, but I got some bigger air than ever (for me) off the waves, which filled in nicely by noon. I was on a 5.0 and had no trouble repeatedly jumping off the backsides of the waves. I guess it was a bit gusty, but it was fine overall for a beginner like me.
GPS Speedsurfing tells me it was my personal best avg. speed for the day -21kts.
You scored a good one, Mike. Love Tiscornia. Tiscornia has a hard time showing love in the spring and summer with warm air that can't get down on cold water. That's when we head up to Oval.