Reid, Chris, Rich, good to meet you all and sail Clinton yesterday. The water temp is incredible, truly sailing in a bathtub. I plan to explore a lot of sites this Summer and will post reports.
Thursday 6/13 Recon Visit Next Week
5 years 8 months ago #14
Nice day at the Road. Wore my shorty just to keep the wind chill off but if I need to warm up, just fall! Water temp is high already. I was last to arrive and decided to rig the 7.5 Cheetah, good choice paired to the 130l Volar. Somewhat gusty day, but had a great time with 4 of us on the water! Great to meet Ed, hope you find some good spots to sail up in the QC. Come visit Clinton anytime!!
Thursday 6/13 Recon Visit Next Week
5 years 8 months ago #15
Thanks Rich, good to meet you, Chris and Reid as well and thanks for your hospitality. Would love to be a regular at Clinton, but it’s a long drive, so will probably be more intermittent. Next up for me is probably Sabula. I plan to post a report after I check it out. Cheers.
Thursday 6/13 Recon Visit Next Week
5 years 8 months ago #16
Awesome day at The Road. I got on the water around 10:00 am. It was rippin'. 4.7 with 95 L FSW. The wind was coming right down the pipe. You could rip turns on either side just feet from shore. It was like your own personal water heated wind tunnel. Chris and Ed showed up. I came in showed Ed the ropes on the spot. Rich surprised us. We all had a great day. Wind got lighter around 2:00 pm and got off the water around 2:30. And shot more pics of everybody. Very nice to meet you, Ed. Great to see everybody.
Thanks for the pics Reid, felt good to be in the straps sailing fast. Takes all I my will power not to launch into the air. I think the best wind was from 10am until My first session at 11am on my 93ltr board with 4.7 was best. But dodging the ramps was heard. Hope we get some more good days so I can workout my ankle windsurfing and have it ready for air time in the fall.
Thursday 6/13 Recon Visit Next Week
5 years 8 months ago #18