Wonderful day at the lake. Some of the steadiest all day wind in a while for the hot puffy summer. Got on the water with a 4.8 while the time still started with a 10. Started the day off rescuing a Painted turtle. It was in the middle of the road waiting to get run over. It looked like the road was too hot to put its feet down now that it was half way across.. I put it in a marshy swallow cove of the lake kind of by where you turn into the marina. The cloud layer stayed to just south of the lake most of the day. Water temp is 80F. Air temp hit 90F. Able to stay cool in Lycra(felt like 70F). The lake was right at the dividing line of clouds and blue sky. Bloomington's wind graph I think reflects that.
I was trying a spock, but the freestyle spot there is right up by a 40 ft ridge, so depending on the direction there can either be: 1. not enough wind and you come off a plane 2. PERFECT wind and it's gloriously easy to make sliding tricks 3. The wind will accelerate against the ridge and you find yourself massively overpowered all the sudden, which is certain doom on freestyle tricks.
I skipped along the water like a stone, but that first hit whips ones head back against the surface, which is.....maybe not my favorite thing.
Marina CLSA, 4.8 S-SSW, 6/18/2024
8 months 1 day ago #6
Sepi, it would’ve been great if you could’ve made it and sailed that board. Hopefully that’s not the end of it, we’ll get some more wind here and we’ll get out on the water Having fun! Put some straps in your car