More summer fun. 6.3 Freek with Psycho 102 again. There was a guy out with a kite-wing bigger than my sail. He had a 6.4 kite-wing and the mother of all foils. He was making it work, but just barely more than the rest of us. He said schlogging on a foil with a wing is brutal and grueling on your legs. He had to come in when we did. Chris came out later and sailed 6.9 with 135. The real king of light wind is the catamaran. Perry had his Super Cat out. We had CLSA and Fighting Illini out too. Fun day had by all.
Clinton is open all year long. No special permission. The Lake is a state park. If we launch at the CLSA (marina launch) you can go as my guest. We have 12 launches around the lake for all wind directions (see Launches page). Start a thread when you might make your pilgrimage. We'll roll out the red carpet for ya.