The summer fun continues. 4th time out on the 6.3 Severne Freek. with Severne Psycho 102. Big crowd at the CLSA launch. This time other contraptions were functioning better - Kiters on 12m and lunch trays. Rick was making his 5.7 with JP Freestyle 100 L work. Rich was on his Kona with 7.5. Never try to race a Kona up wind, you'll lose. Took me a long time to get up wind this time. I kept getting knocked on each reach. When we all got up to the Narrows the wind started to fade. Turned into float and gust. And the sesh got cut short - heard thunder and got off the water and packed up just in time(see wind graphs when storms hit). Still got to practice some moves in the summer doldrums thanks to the new kit.