Hi all!
My name is Ignacio and I live in Indianapolis. I relocated here three months ago for a temporary work assignment. I come form Argentina and my home spot is Monte Hermoso. I didn´t bring any gear with me since this is temporary, but I really need to windsurf. I could not windsurf during last austral summer in Argentina due to an injury that took me out in November, so It´s been 7 months now .
Is there any place to rent gear near Chicago or Michigan area? I´ve been searching the net and this forum but I could not find any store or specific place to go.
Any information will be very much appreciated.
I need to windsurf!! any rentals?
10 years 7 months ago #2
Southport Rigging in Kenosha, WI can set you up with rental. 1-800-877-7025 - Talk to Ralph. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.