It is so frustrating to know that in Chicago (USA corruption capital) a dude can get arrested for surfing, while cops and politicians get away with far worse, like committing real crimes. IT IS JUST UNBELIEVABLE AND DISGUSTING. I'm sure the aldermen that came up with that silly law are the same one that didn't bother to read Daily's plan to lease Chicago street parking rights for pennies.
As for sailing with off shore winds, we know that if something happens we're in big trouble, specially if you're so far away. That guy had a phone, but imagine what would have happened otherwise. It's not just breaking a mast or something, but getting detach from your board for any reason and having to swim after your board. With strong winds and bad luck, chances are that you won't be able to catch your board. It happened to me, but fortunately the wind was onshore and I was not that far from the shore. For that reason, specially in cold weather, with off shore wind I go to the pristine waters of Wolf Lake,
Rescue of a Windsurfer on WGN
8 years 4 months ago #14
As to the question of GPS coordinates, my buddy had an iphone 6, not a water resistant kind, in a waterproof pouch, yet the screen was not responsive enough for him to get to the map app while talking on the phone, so we had to do without coordinates. When it comes to the radio, I bring that on a sail boat, but hate dragging extra stuff around when windsurfing.
Totally with you on the bulk. In case anyone is interested here is what I have done.
I couldn't find any place to clip a radio, at least that I was comfortable with, so I bought a small mesh backpack (I think it is one of these).
The radio I bought is easily small enough to fit inside the backpack. It's waterproof, floating, flashing and has automated Digital Selective Calling for with GPS transmission for emergencies: this unit . The successor model is M93D.
Perhaps I worry too much, but I've once killed a cellphone with water damage while on the sailboard, and would hate to compound that with equipment trouble especially near sundown. I have more to fret about than most people because I am nearly always on the big lake and rarely have a buddy when I go out.
Rescue of a Windsurfer on WGN
8 years 4 months ago #15
Thanks for the info. I've thinking about getting one of these for a while. I also sail alone most of the time in the big lake, although I only venture off shore during the summer, rest of the year I mostly go out with on shore conditions.
Rescue of a Windsurfer on WGN
8 years 4 months ago #16
Ha, Peter Hart even has a name for the open waters trill seekers: "horizon hunters" I am myself one of those or rather was until couple of years ago when I started gradually switching to a more maneuver type of sailing and I admit it is fun. But also requires a lot of concentration and endurance and the crashes after a jump gone wrong over a swell are usually pretty bad with the big kit.
Rescue of a Windsurfer on WGN
8 years 4 months ago #17
Brian, thank you for the recommendation, I am shopping around to find a quality radio. I also had damaged a couple cellphones even in the waterproof pouches.
Cell phone is a good option overall (communication, speed tracking, course plotting, music, etc), but when traveling abroad or going miles off shore, a radio would be a welcome security option.