Rainbow looks a bit onshore on a N. My go-to beach when the forecast is not a sure thing is alway Montrose (I know, you're shocked ...but, it works well NNW to NNE and gives you power right from the launch with no slogging. If there is a significant amount of E tomorrow, Greenwood could be nice. More than 20 degrees W, Gillson. Let's see how it looks in the morning.
I'm a "die hard" South-sider I must confess .
You are correct -Casino looks like the perfect straight N place and Rainbow for the shades of N, I should take this into account .
Onshore sucks! I hear the voice of Andrew inside my mind: "I told you so" . Well , lesson learned...hopefully . It's realy difficult getting out back through the shore break . Actually impossible with the Kode-Windsup to the rescue. And then it wasn't easy comming in either , specifically the bottom turns-hard to sheet in and resulting in complete loss of drive. The top turn is better, but the sail may get powered up to much and get ripped out of your hands. Anyway, slogging out and surfing in with the Converse for two hours and getting tired and cold-enough for today. Good experience .
Rainbow beach is beautiful and the parking is convenient /but paid/, plenty of grass areas for rigging , short walk to the water, there are rocks in places near shore -gotta be careful.
I actually went to the casino first /should have been good for straight N/ but they've started a reconstruction of the parking and it is currently closed . I didn't like the north entrance and the idea of going back and forth in a wetsuit across several railroads and leaving my car in front of signs like: "Not a beach parking" "Parking permit required" "Private property" etc etc. I'm starting to run out of options here.
Well, we had NNW to N at 21, +/- 3 or 4 knots at the crib which translated to a 5.4 for me. Mike on a 6.3. Alan...hmm...you see, Alan thinks he has a solid core of neutrons which gives him a mass far greater than would ordinarily fit within his svelte frame His 5.7 felt at home later in the day when it was coming down.
Neutrons....maybe I can't take credit for that....it is the wide tuneable range of the ezzy sail at work
Hey Ady: those waves look pretty nice at rainbow- did you see any surfers there? Also, did you see any kiters in whiting?
Looks different then Montrose , doesn't it. I guess the bottom drops slowly at Montrose, while at Rainbow and Casino it gets deep quickly.
No I didn't see anybody at Casino, but the surfers must have been in their small bay at the south end of the park and I was the sole weirdo at Rainbow-who sails there anyway?! The locals probably took me for a lost alien or something