Hi everyone, I'm new here, so please forgive me if there is already a resource for this. I've been trying to learn to windsurf up at the NW Sail Center. I've been struggling to even stay on the board. I weigh about 210 lbs, and I'm pretty sure the biggest board they have is a 185. When I get on the board, I submerge it more than a little.
I realize that this is a skill and that it takes practice to learn, but I'm here to ask: Do you think I would have an easier time practicing getting under way, tacking, and jibing if I could practice with a larger board?
Something 12' long with a centerboard and as wide as possible is what I would try to find. A Windsurfer LT or Kona or a Mahalo would be ideal. But finding one will take some digging. Maybe someone here can loan/rent one to you for a while?
Floaty short wide boards are ok, but "plow" through the water. A longboard will "glide" through the water in light wind, and will turn slower (which is good for beginners).
At ~289 cm in length, and ~80cm wide, this Mistral Prodigy probably has a volume close to 250-something liters (www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/252208503941891/), but I wouldn't pay close to what they're asking.
While a larger/wider board would be beneficial initially, it probably won't take too long before your balance/technique improves enough that you'll be using the 185L boards without a problem. Rather than looking for a different board, your time and effort may be better spent practicing on the 185L boards they have even though the first sessions are going to be tough.
I weigh about 210 lbs, and I'm pretty sure the biggest board they have is a 185.
According to the Northwestern Sailing Center's webpage they have "RRD Easyride Softskin, JP Australia Explorer and BIC Beach 225D boards." -- northwesternsailing.com/windsurfing. The BIC Beach is 225 liters so they might have a larger board you can use.