It took me a while to get myself to post, eh? So, the only decent wind forecast for that weekend was up north in Wisconsin and as customary in these situations I got in touch with my buddy the local expert Greg. I had in mind Winnebago where we sailed together the last time we met, but this time he talked me into trying Pike Lake. I got there by 10:45 that day and still was able to find a parking spot on the right side-a short walk to the launch. The wind direction was almost straight onshore and the reach to the left of the launch was limited for the beach restricted zone. On top of that it was gusty, on and off and shifting-not easy conditions if you ask me.
I rigged a Revo 5.7+Code 103 combo-probably my most favorite and used lately. Stayed with it for most of the time although seriously underpowered and only very late in the day switched to Retro 6.5+AtomIQ 110-a significantly better suited kit for the conditions. Greg also rigged up as the wind dropped some more. I posted some pictures in my album and today even managed to select 2 not overly boring short clips from this session which showcase what my understanding of having fun on the water in the moderate wind range looks like reflecting my humble capabilities of course. Also, the near crash with Greg, which his fast reactions and self-sacrifice prevented from happening.
The wind graph from a small local airfield might be a little understating what we had at the lake btw.
Always fun to sail with Ady. Conditions were not as expected but we managed a few decent runs, especially early on.
And sorry for the near-crash which was mostly my fault (jibed in front of you!). My jibe and your tack made us meet in the middle! Funny!
A couple of locals joined: Victor and Jozef. Not the most unforgettable session but great time anyway.
I'm going to be up your way (ish) in Port Washington on a short project (the best kind of project when there are lakes nearby and the WS gear just happens to be in the truck) next Wed (13th) If there is wind I'll probably hassle you for a spot recommendation, as if you squint real hard Pike is on the way back to Chicago.