Thanks for posting the vid David, fun day! Called sailworks this morning to get the new tubes ordered, and Bruce Peterson answered! Gotta love the accessibility of the pros and legends of our sport!
He claims the latest tube battens are stronger, but bottom line is that retros cannot take a washing, even a relatively mild one. Yesterday I rigged too small (6.5, needed 7.5) and got knocked down in the shorebreak, with no power. There wasn't enough to waterstart (at least for me!) and I could still touch bottom so I worked my way back in, got washed over by several waves but nothing crazy. The result was three broken battens. Rigged the 7.5 with bigger board and went back out, had a great time. But on the way back in to the beach I went down in the whitewater on the very last wave when my fin hit bottom, and the sail was hit by two (small) waves before I got it up and out. That was enough to break one of the battens. The 7.5 is a 2006 (I looked it up) so I guess I can't complain too much about that one. But I have 4 retros and have broken battens on all 4 of them, and after losing 4 in one day yesterday I am tired of being an expert in retro batten repairs!! I have literally never had to replace a batten on any other sail brand, and that includes my 6.0 Ezzy and 5.4 NP, both of which have taken much worse poundings. So the 6.5 and 7.5 will be phased out, I also have 8.5 and 10.5 retros but not a big issue since those rarely fall into the water.
This is from the iwindsurf forum, and I could not agree more: "RDMs (even 490s) hold up better in surf, but surf (even shore break) can break anything. I love Retros, but Retro battens are not designed to survive waves. Like I said, if you're riding waves, a Retro is not your call."
Not that I'm exactly riding a lot of waves, but our shorebreak can be pretty heavy for 6.5 conditions. If anyone can recommend a 6.5 that is durable and rigs on a constant curve RDM 460, I'm all ears (I also have a constant curve SDM 460). Would love to trade for a 6.5 Retro with replaced battens

Was thinking about Ezzy but Bruce said they are flex tip, I am assuming he is right - ?