Sunday, February 02, 2025
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39mph's Video

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Uploaded By: Bob M . Category: Windsurfing . Added on: 17 October 2019.
In this Video:
Clinton Lake IL
Bob M
Bob M
Love my Futura!
5 years ago
That Futura takes no prisoners! I loved how it was closing fast on the Firemove of Denis, despite his race sail /or because of that-that monster probably weighs a ton/.
Bob, you are lucky you purchased this board while they were still making them fast. The shapes of the last couple of years are the slowest of all freerace boards because they decided to make them foil friendly and screwed them. Good thing they don’t dare to mess with the Isonics.
5 years ago
Reid Fillman
Reid Fillman
Great shots, Bob. I thought you would have the speedometer overlay running on the video to see the speed tick by. You can render the speedometer overlay to clips.
5 years ago