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windsurfing carlyle lake, dam east launch sailing 9-14-12's Video

Uploaded By: Reid Fillman . Category: Windsurfing . Added on: 17 April 2012.
In this Video:
Here with an instructional video on 'how best to throw your backside through an 8 meter sail'. It's a high difficulty move called 'a Hansy". Still a great day at Carlyle, IL sailing a 145L Tabou Rocket with 8.2 Hellcat sail, 57 cm G10 True Ames fin. Just free ridin' all over town till I broke the sail, then put out the 7.2 and sailed till faded to nuts. See more details here:
Reid Fillman
Reid Fillman
Hans shot this nice vid on 4/09/2012 - Dam East Lake Carlyle
13 years ago