Took today off on 3rd day back in Bay Area, after arrival 2 days straight of 5.3 winds in the Bay Area, and I am steeped in the local windsurfing culture. My older brother's GF let me borrow her STB 95 one day and her STB 105 the other day, 1st day at Marina Park Richmond, 2nd day at Candlestick park. I finally ran into Kevin K, who I have corresponded with previously and sold a Gopro Hero session to. Brother's GF is the mother of an ex-ABK and Bigwinds instructor, and she was volunteer executive at Cal Sailing Club at Berkeley Marina who have introduced hundreds if not thousands of sailors to windsurfing over the years, and knows all the women windsurfers in BA (40+). Just getting started, she wants to sail every day possible. Here I am reaching across Marina Park Richmond. Looking forward to trying winging.
Back to the Bay Area: 3 days in
3 years 8 months ago #17
Bay area trip was basically the best run of sailing in my life. It was sailable every day, but sailed ONLY 9 of 16 days, 4.2-5.3, 85L-105 L, from Bodega Bay (weeds), Rio Vista (voodoo chop), Candlestick Park (flatwater heaven), to 3 sites Richmond-Bay Bridge corridor.
STB-y city, I sailed 85-105, at Rio Vista all 4 boards on water, 2 brothers, brother's GF, me
Sunny warm Rio Vista
heading to Emeryville with San Francisco over my back