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TOPIC: Springfield Lake

Springfield Lake 4 years 4 months ago #1

Good Morning,

Any of the Clinton Lake crew ever sail Lake Springfield. It is a shorter drive from saint louis to Springfield and occasionally I have considered going up there.

Any hints on the launch, water depths or best directions is appreciated.

For instance, this Saturday the belt of wind is just north of saint louis and I could consider sailing this lake instead of Carlyle.

thanks, dk

Springfield Lake 4 years 4 months ago #2

My brother had several sailboats at Springfield YC. I sailed his Hobie 16 a couple of times, but the wind was super gusty and shifty. NOT A GOOD SAILING LAKE. Nice club if you want to sit by the pool. I'd try the lake in Lichfield instead. Much better wind there. BTW the Hatteras trip looked epic.

Springfield Lake 4 years 4 months ago #3

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'Tis my hometown Lake.........and it is a decent sailing body of water. Use it for my Sailboat as well. I began sailing this Lake in the late 80's, and would you have guessed our Capitol City had TWO windsurfing shops/dealers? Many races were held throughout the summer, and several sailors traveled in to participate. Truth, it was one design racing longboards, and I still enjoy my Mistral Superlight on those low wind days. The North basin has a designated sailboat launch, and for the SW to W direction that was mentioned the launch by Island Bay YC allows access to two nice sized basins.

I guess what I'm sharing is, crafty sailors can make the best of those days when the wind picks up and enjoy what is available locally.

Glass half full opinion.

Springfield Lake 4 years 4 months ago #4

You should read Nathaniel Philbrook's "Second Wind" He's a national author but the story is about his return to racing Sunfish sailboats after several years of not racing. He spends a full year getting ready to race at the Sunfish World Championships at Springfield Lake. You'd enjoy it as a sailor and racer.

Yes in the 80's the longboard racing scene was very big in Springfield. I never windsurfed the lake (ice boat yes) but I still remember a friends big photo of him on his Superlight ripping it up on that lake. I believe it was some qualifier for the World's back then. Did well enough that he went on to sail the Superlight Worlds in Tunisia. The St. Louis Post Dispatch even did a story on it. We used to race Lasers there, and the local guys to beat were the Chapin brothers, who I believe moved to FL years ago to race big boats.

BTW is there still and active DN iceboat club there? I have some DN parts I'd like to give away.

Springfield Lake 3 years 6 months ago #5

September 2021 Update.

Wife and I stopped by from a trip up to Michigan on Labor Day to check out Springfield Lake. Didn't tell anyone we were coming. We showed up around 11:00 am and scouted around near the Beach House. Found a launch on the south side that was a nice break in the rip-rap. Then another windsurfer showed up. He gave me the 411 that they asked the City last year to put in some designated windsurf launches for the south and north pool. Guess what, they actually did. The city is trying to get more folks out enjoying the lake. Very weird as I moved many tons of rip-rap solo down at Carlyle Lake Sailing association and up at this lake the city did most of the heavy lifting.

Anyways, there are several active windsurfers at this lake. They enjoy a mix of slalom and long boarding. I am into long boarding now (since it always works in any wind) and headed out for a session. Wind was on the light side and shifted from West to Northwest to Southwest as the day went by. Had fun sailing around for a couple hours exploring the lake. Three other folks came out and sailed and some locals showed up to watch. Most of the folks here have been around a while and have old school superlights and equipes still in use as well as modern short boards. They were all super friendly and my wife the non-sailor enjoyed visiting with the locals.

I'll be back as sometimes a good wind line appears north of here that doesn't hit Carlyle. I'd say it's worth the drive and a much better spot than Creve Couer Lake in Saint Louis.

Locals told me the lake does work best in a SW or NE or NW wind. The south pool works for the SW and north pool the rest.

I'd say the shiftyness of the wind is typical for any smaller body of water. Had the same issues on smaller bodies of water in Wisconsin, up by Chicago and in Michigan so i wouldn't say this lake is unsailable just one that offers up challenges that will make anyone a better sailor.

Springfield Lake 3 years 6 months ago #6

Hi Dennis, I used to live in Spfld. back in the 80's and 90's. My friend Jim just told me of your visit. The best wind there was always Fall and Spring. I moved to Ca. in 98 and now sail in mountain lakes in the Sierra Nevada and if the SF Bay Delta. I taught myself with my wife on Lake Spfld. in 1980. Sailed and raced Windsurfer One Design on Lake Carlyle many times with the Selle brothers from St. Louis. I sailed many times at Creve Couer Lake with them in the late 80's. Do you know them? I also owned the windsurf store Adventure Sports until 1998. I am an old retired guy now but still sail every week until winter, then I ski..


Springfield Lake 3 years 6 months ago #7

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I remember when the SJR published that photo John! Bought my Superlight from you at Adventure, and still use it!!!! I tell many about those fun years. Hi from SPI [blowin' strong here today!]

Springfield Lake 3 years 5 months ago #8

John, thanks for that photo. Great one and a day that was.

I don't know the brothers, a lot of the older guys just aren't around anymore.

The few guys that windsurf are moving onto the wing making me the windsurf guy. We do have a couple newbies that are starting this year so hopefully they catch the bug and keep windsurfing.

I used to live in Alameda, California. Great sailing in the bay area. I quit windsurfing for 15-years because the mid-west lake wind is no comparison. In SF the biggest sail I ever used was a 5.5. Now most days I ride sails from 9.0 to 11.0 on the long board or formula board. Only get the wave/slalom stuff out when I go to hatteras or the occasional day we get like your photograph. Love that old mistral sail in that photo.

Have fun on the delta, your in a great spot there to catch some wind!

Springfield Lake 3 years 5 months ago #9

Hi Dennis, When I moved here, Sonora north of Yosemite, I quit sailing for 6 years raising kids. When my ski race son turned 8 I taught him and his 9 year old sister at the lake near our ski area.. We all got back in and started going to the Delta and Beardsley reservoir above Sonora. That is where I mostly sail now. It blows 15 gusts to 20 every day after 12 noon 90% of the time in the summer. I sail old M Equipe 7.0 or 6.5 race sails. I am stuck in my ways at 70 yrs.
The young adults are gone so I sail by myself. I have never seen another windsurfer on the reservoir. That white Mistral sail was my favorite back then. I wore it out and have been cutting it up to repair other older sails.
I made a trip to Spfld. last summer and will try to come next summer.

Springfield Lake 3 years 5 months ago #10

Hi Steve, I am an old guy now having memory loss. Who are you? Were you a regular IBYC sailor. I know Steve Chase. When I made a trip back to Spfld. last summer I saw him and others and sailed from the point. My friend Jim Falloon just told me about this forum so I got on. I hope to make it back again next summer.
Keep sailing, John

Springfield Lake 3 years 5 months ago #11

John Proper......well that's a name from the past! I don't believe we've met but I think we may have been at Carlyle's Whale of Sail at the same time. Not sure if you remember Bill and Jane Peyton from St. Louis. I believe they may have bought some gear from you back in the day. I do remember the Selle brothers....Steve and Brian. They were among the first to have real short boards here. Rocket 88 and Rocket 83 (Which I later owned as well) I haven't sailed cc lake here in a while but about 5 years ago I saw Steve Selle sailing his original windsurfer doing freestyle tricks. I believe he said his brother moved to Europe. He seemed quite content rocking the old gear and had no interested in modern stuff. BTW I also owned that same Mistral sail pictured. Loved it! One of my favorite sails. Sounds like you're living the perfect retirement.....sailing/skiing. Good for you!
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