March madness! Air temp 75 F, water temp 61 F, gusts to 45 mph. Sailed my 4.0 Freek with Psycho 102. Was lit on it most of the time, but had to deal with some lulls to 25 mph Broke 30 mph GPS speed on the Psycho 102. Chris was out raging too. Sepi showed up in the afternoon. It was one hell of a knock the rust off day.
The Corner. Water temp 61 F while the dam was 46 F.
Photo by Chris. You can see me on the water if you look close.
The boat ramp.
Not much of a tree line by the houses where the wind enters the lake. And behind the houses is nothing but farm fields as far as the eye can see.
GoPro Quik desktop put a 33 mph GPS on it. 4.0 Freek sail. Psycho 102 with freestyle 24cm Maui Ultra Fins.
GoPro Quik app put a 2 sec 30 mph GPS on it. And I'm not even close to the houses up wind for flatter water.
We watched over Sepi as she launched at the swim beach. Today was a little hairy for a first time launch off the ramp. It's slick, there's stumps and riprap.
Sepi, 4.0 sail. A lot of wind for a little lady.
Sepi, 4.0 sail. She was rippin' !
Sepi, 4.0 sail. Didn't get any shots of Chris earlier in the day, sorry brah. 'till next time.
Hi Reid,
We had wind here in Cali.over the weekend. 30 to 45mph with gusts over 70. Mega snow, blizzard conditions up on the mountain. 6 to 7 feet of deep powder.
No sailing but ripping skiing. More on the way, but not as big. Looked like you guys had fun.
Later, John
Hi Reid,
We had wind here in Cali.over the weekend. 30 to 45mph with gusts over 70. Mega snow, blizzard conditions up on the mountain. 6 to 7 feet of deep powder.
No sailing but ripping skiing. More on the way, but not as big. Looked like you guys had fun.
Later, John
You're going to have to move back to the Midwest to get away from the winter. Sounds like epic skiing. Hope it will also help fill the reservoirs.
For 2024 30 mph. This vid I made shows the difference. The Quik app software smooths out the GPS data by doing a 2 sec average. The Quik desktop is very spiky. This is the vid i made last year.