I was at Lake Andrea June 17, 2021 and they added rocks and work fencing to the shore of the launch. I did not try and access the water with my gear, I just left. Does anyone know the current state of the shoreline there?
Lake Andrea launch - rocks on the shore
3 years 8 months ago #2
This is happening everywhere. There are at least 5 corps of engineers lakes in KS and MO that have had riprap added to shorelines to arrest erosion. One of our best local lakes is going to have riprap added to the 20ft hill that was turned into a 20 ft cliff by flooding in 2019. The shore erosion there has the potential to collapse the only road to the marina, so they have to do it. The State park doing the work wants to work with us to make improvements to still allow access for windsurfing, kiting, SUP, and kayakers. we have proposed having this stuff installed over the riprap:
Seriously, if this little obstacle freaks' you out you are in the wrong sport.
This is not a trival obstacle. Even when dry, riprap is treacherous. Trying to navigate these uneven boulders while carrying expensive gear jostling around in wind makes a slip or trip more likely, and if you trip on that stuff, you can break an ankle or leg easily. If the water comes up, it'll get covered with algae and become slippery as well. I always avoid it: period.
Lake Andrea launch - rocks on the shore
3 years 8 months ago #6
Oh the horror! Oh the danger! People be afraid and stay away from Lake Andrea, its worse then a minefield!
If only it was that easy! Another nice day at the lake sharing the fun with ever more unafraid people including several ladies. And that's what makes this sport great-the unafraid people. I'm grateful I can call some of them my friends!!
Lake Andrea launch - rocks on the shore
3 years 8 months ago #7
How annoying are the rocks here? Just picked up new gear and want to use this fall to get some good days in, and the shape of the lake looks nice but how bad is the bouldering to get into the water? Is there still a soft bottom to do beachstarts?
Lake Andrea launch - rocks on the shore
3 years 5 months ago #10
I was sailing at silver today and stopped by to check out Andrea for N days. The rocks are everywhere, but they're really not too bad to haul over. Annoying, but not prohibitive.
Lake Andrea launch - rocks on the shore
3 years 5 months ago #11
On the Google Maps, there is a pin for Windsurfing Launch just past Froggy's Beach near a picnic hut. Go there and there is a little trail down to a little beach. You can also walk a minute NE of there and there is a long, thin beach with no rocks. The rocks are only an issue if you are a beginner and you need to put out because you can't get back.